News & Cases

  • Which Superannuation fund is right for me?

    The vast majority of Australians have a Superannuation fund in place. With so many choices, you could be forgiven for wondering which Superannuation is the right one for me. Knowing the features of each fund can help you make that decision. Below is a list of all the different types of super funds are offered and their key features. Read All

  • Helpful Tips When Comparing Super Funds

    As with any financial decision, choosing a super fund to invest your retirement money takes thought and careful consideration. With the growing number of super funds available, choosing just one fund can not only be tricky but also quite daunting. Read All

  • The Age Pension: Do You Qualify?

    Simply put, an age pension is the main source of income support for people who have reached the Age Pension age. It provides an income stream for life for those Australians who meet the eligibility requirements and is a taxpayer-funded retirement type income stream. Read All

  • Age Pension: Do You Qualify?

    Simply put, an age pension is the main source of income support for people who have reached the Age Pension age. It provides an income stream for life for those Australians who meet the eligibility requirements and is a taxpayer-funded retirement type income stream. In order to be considered for the age pension you must have reached a certain age, known as the pension age, meet residency requirements and you must pass the age pension assets test and the age pension income test. So how do you know if you are eligible for an age pension and if you meet the requirements? Read All

  • Bill Shorten Wants to Axe Imputation Credits

    If you’ve been keeping up with the news lately you may have heard of Labor Leader Bill Shorten’s policy proposal to end cash refunds on excess imputation credits. His latest proposal aims to shut down the imputation scheme created by John Howard and Peter Costello, which allows individuals and super funds to claim cash refunds on excess franking credits. Read All

  • What Is An ETF and Why Are They So Popular?

    If you’ve recently started investing your funds you may have come across the term Exchange Traded Fund or read the term exchange-traded funds. And you may have asked yourself what is an ETF? Read All

  • What is your Total Superannuation balance?

    Your Total Superannuation Balance is made up of the combined balances of all your super and retirement savings account. As per the “ATO“, this sum is reduced by the sum of any personal injury structured settlement amounts contributed to super”. Read All

  • 5 Useful Tips for Finding a Financial Adviser

    So you’ve come to a point in your life where you want to start planning for your future, perhaps you’ve started a new job, come into some money or simply want to retire comfortably. Whatever the reason may be, it’s always a good idea to start thinking about your future. Read All

  • SMSF Borrowing under the LRBA: Here’s What to Know

    The latest trend in the SMSF world is the ability for SMSF trustee’s to borrow money to investment. This ability to borrow money using your SMSF to finance investments including direct property is possible under the Limited Recourse Buying Arrangement (LRBA). Read All

  • Changes to non-concessional contribution caps

    Non-concessional contributions are after-tax contributions made to your super, or better known as personal contributions for which you do not claim an income tax deduction, they also include spouse contributions. Non-concessional contributions can be a good way to maximise your super and help you save for retirement. Read All