News & Cases

  • Do You Need a Financial Advisor?

    Do you need a financial advisor when choosing between the name brand can of tomatoes or picking up the cheaper store brand can. Clearly not… But, the financial decisions that we make day to day eventually all add up and impact on our financial futures. Read All

  • What is a Transition to Retirement Pension?

    You may have heard of the term Transition to Retirement and may have found yourself asking what is a Transition to Retirement Pension? Simply put, a Transition to Retirement (TTR) pension allows you to access your super without having retired, granted once you meet preservation age. A TTR will allow you to maintain your lifestyle while reducing your working hours or even your salary sacrifice arrangement, saving you tax. Read All

  • A 5 Step Guide to Help You Achieve Expert Financial Advice

    If you’ve recently considered getting financial advice from a professional, you may have found yourself a tad overwhelmed with the plethora of information available on the web and the multitude of sources of Financial advice available, from receiving financial advice from your personal banker to a professional of an independently owned financial practice, the list is endless. To help in your pursuit of obtaining expert financial advice, we’ve compiled a 5-step guide to help point you in the right direction. Read All

  • 2018 Budget Proposals: Increase to Number of SMSF Members

    The 2018 Federal Budget announcement on 8 May 2018 introduced a few key changes where Self-Managed Super Funds (SMSFs) are concered, one of them being the increase in the number of SMSF members. Read All

  • What to Know About the Pension Loan Scheme

    The Pension Loan Scheme is just what the name denotes; a loan arrangement offered by the Australia government available to those who meets the age pension age test. The Pension Loan Scheme provides Australian pensioners short-term support in the form of a loan that is repaid in regular fortnightly payments. Read All

  • Claiming a Tax Deduction on Personal Superannuation Contributions

    During the 2016-17 budget reform announcement, the Federal Government announced changes to personal superannuation contributions. This new change means individuals would no longer have to earn less than 10% of their income from salary and wages (or not have been employed during the financial year) to be eligible to claim a tax deduction. Read All

  • Finding Lost Super

    Chances are if you’ve had more than one job in your lifetime it’s quite likely that you may have more than one super fund and the chances of you forgetting about that fund and letting it rollover to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is quite high. Read All

  • Insurance – Inside or Outside Super?

    When looking at obtaining insurance there are always a number of questions that come up such as, what type of cover do I want? How much cover do I want? Do I want my cover to be held inside or outside of super? These are all important questions to ask when considering insurance cover. Read All

  • The 2018-19 Budgets 3 Step Plan: “Lower, fairer and simpler taxes”

    If you’ve been keeping up with the news lately you may have noticed the chatter around the new 2018-19 budget. The Australian government is currently in the midst of building a personal tax system that is aimed at helping residents of this country get ahead in life all the while being fiscally responsible. Read All

  • Property Investments and Your SMSF

    As a trustee of an SMSF you are given the opportunity to invest in property, which is one of the biggest advantages an SMSF has over a traditional superannuation fund. Directly held investments make up approximately 19% of all SMSF assets indicating that trustee’s consider property investment an important part of their portfolio. Read All